7 Days Loan App List – Avoid these

By Money Wave

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7 Days Loan App List: 7 days loan apps are those loan applications that are fraudulent. These types of applications promise to provide you with an instant loan for 7 days at a very low interest rate but engage in deceit and dishonesty with you. If you want to take a loan through online mobile loan applications, never take a loan from a 7 days loan app, because such applications are not approved by RBI and NBFC.

The purpose of these types of applications is not to provide you with a loan but to steal your personal information. These applications collect your Aadhar card number, PAN card number, and personal information from your phone and then blackmail you.

Although finding such fraudulent applications is very difficult, we have prepared a list of 7 Days Loan Apps for you through extensive research and hard work so that you can get information about all those applications from which you should not take a loan. Additionally, we have also listed genuine loan applications below. So, let’s learn about loan applications.

Even in today’s time, you will find many fake loan applications on Google Play Store and App Store, which can deceive you by stealing your personal information in the name of instant personal loans.

But don’t worry because today we are going to tell you how to identify 7 Days Loan App and along with it, we will also provide you with a list of 7 Days Loan App so that you can stay alert from all these applications.

What is 7 Days Loan App?

7 days loan apps, which are fraudulent, entice people by giving them the lure of quickly providing loans and then steal all their personal information, blackmail them, and engage in fraudulent activities. No such application is approved by RBI.

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Whenever you download such a loan app on your mobile, it takes many permissions from you. After that, all these applications steal information from your phone and create pressure on you to repay the loan quickly. And if you don’t, you are blackmailed.

How to identify 7 Days Loan App list

To identify 7 days loan applications that are fraudulent, we have shared some information below to help you easily recognize that these applications are fake:

  1. Not approved by RBI and NBFC: 7 Days Loan App does not have approval from RBI and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFC).
  2. High processing fees: 7 Days Loan App charges excessively high fees in the name of processing fees.
  3. Temptation of low interest rates: 7 Days Loan applications try to attract you by offering low interest rates.
  4. Hidden charges: These applications will not inform you about hidden charges while taking the loan, but later, hefty amounts will be recovered from you in the name of various charges.
  5. Direct calls for loan approval: Any application does not make direct calls to you for loan approval, but in such applications, you may receive direct calls for loan approval, which you need to be cautious of.

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No.Loan AppNo.Loan App
1Go go loan26Yeah Rupee Loan
2Go cash27Loanbandhu Loan
3Fair credit line28Base Cash Loan
4Cash advance29Golden Rupee
5Fast coin30RupayeKey Loan
6Ariaeko loan31Happy Loan App
7Beloan app32MobiPocket Loan
8Rupee king33Cash Planet Loan
9Rupee wallet34Future Wallet
10Flipcash35Pat Money
11Cash fast36Yes rupee
12Fastcash37Star loan
13HI-Pocket38Rupee spark
14Rupee Park App39Hone loan
15Hugo Loan App40Eslite loan
16Turrant Loan App41Ok rupee loan
17Yes Cash Loan42AGLONR
18Safety Rupee Loan43Agile loan
19Maxim Loan44Sunshine
20Friendly cash Loan45Infinity
21AA Loan App46Cash cola
22Glory Loan47Easy credit loan
23Swift Rupee48Fast rupee
24Faith Loan App49Yash Rupaya
25Rupee Today Loan50Serpent Coin

How to complain about 7 Days Loan App list

If you receive information about any fake application of 7 Days Loan, you need to go to your nearest police station or cyber crime branch and file a complaint under online fraud.

You need to provide necessary information about the fake application to the officer, and if you have also been a victim of fraud, you should immediately file an FIR. This way, you can complain about the 7 Days Loan App.

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Genuine Loan Apps

If we talk about Genuine Loan App, there are many such applications available on the Play Store and App Store through which you can get a safe loan. However, no safe loan application provides you a loan for 7 days; all safe loan applications provide you with a minimum period of 60 days, within which you can repay the loan.

Now we will tell you about all those loan applications from where you can get a safe and instant loan. As you know, to take an online loan, you need your Aadhar card, PAN card, bank details, and personal information, and along with it, your CIBIL score must be at least 650. So, let’s find out about all those applications where you can get an instant loan just by using your mobile phone from the comfort of your home.

Genuine Loan Apps List



In this article, we have provided you with information about the 7 Days Loan App List, in which we have explained how to identify fake loan applications and also provided a list of Fake Loan Apps and Genuine Loan Apps.

Whenever you take a loan from an online loan application, you must ensure that the application is secure and read all the terms and conditions of the application before taking the loan.

We hope that you have found the information provided by us about the 7 Days Loan App helpful and that it will assist you.

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